Curatorial Projects > Trumpet to the Tulips

“Every once in a while one should do a crazy experiment, like blowing the trumpet to the tulips every morning for a month. Probably nothing would happen, but what if it did?” –George Darwin

SPACE gallery

Kristen Letts Kovak, Sarah Jacobs, and Katherine Tzu-Lan Mann embarked on a playful collaboration with only one rule: doing something atypical and see what happens.

The paintings in this exhibition are a combination of our independent and collective voices. There are paintings created before our first meeting, artworks produced in response to the game, and collaborative paintings shipped between cities where we worked directly on top of each other’s marks. Additionally, there are a large number of works created within the last year that reflect how each of our painting practices has shifted as a result of our collaboration. We each blew our trumpets in counterpoint and a collective melody emerged.